Saturday, September 16, 2006

...and we're back!

So in light of the whole going away thing it seemed about right to do some more of this blogging malarky. Itinerary is as follows for your convenience:

(9/18) London->Berlin (9/19)
(9/21) Berlin->Moscow (9/22)
(9/26) Moscow -> Beijing (10/2)
(10/5) Beijing -> Hanoi (10/7)
-- Hanoi for 2 months with trips (hopefully) to Hong Kong, Kuala Lampur, surrounding Northern Vietnamese countryside, etc.--
(12/7) Hanoi -> not quite sure yet (Southern Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, possibly Burma?)

So yeah! In those sorts of respects I think we're almost ready to go. Should probably pack first though. (p.s. this is mostly to reaffirm I can still post on this thingie).

Cool people:

1 comment:

isi said...

don't bluff you're not SERIOUSLY coming to HK are you??? HAHAHAHAHA