Monday, August 30, 2004

March in August

Yes indeed folks today was a quality anti establishment day. seeing as i know all of you are diehard members of the rubbish party i've posted these pics so you can try to understand the proletariat suffering from your cushy university palaces of grandeur. memorable chants included "fuck bush fuck kerry revolution is necessary!" and [as passing the fox newsvan] "fox news sucks!" (they packed into the van on the right quick once they got the word from HQ there wasnt a story anymore). the protestwarriors aka the KKK are featured in a pic thats quite funny until its disturbing. i'm kind of disappointed in CNN's homepage story "tens of thousands of demonstrators..." fuck that dude its one thing for fox to say that but CNN is supposed to be legit. BBC has quite a good article for you to check out very in touch with the NY scene and some good pictures from AP. in other news susie is annoying and has wasted no time in finding a new "coffee" buddy. i guess i should've been expecting this?

union square at 3p when we finished up the march

I love new york

Flatiron building from Empire State

ESB yay!

MSG policy one cop per 5 feet

Mooshu!!! We done after 7 hours

billionaires for bush

As we passed this group of cops their skeptical looks turned to smiles when we started chanting "give the cops a raise!"

Sis, Ajamu, Saba on 34th

The higher level cops hiding under the MSG shade.

And the RNC constituency was in full force...

Save America Defeat Bush. Classic


Who died? Oh right, thanks Mr. Bush.

10:13AM Good morning! Would you like a sign? (x1000)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Moms Bday

so today was mommy's birthday, exciting stuff. went to museum of city of new york and the garden on 104th-- mad cool. u best all have gone there if not we're going asap. i wanna go in winter tho cuz ive never seen it in snow and i imagine it must be beautiful then. so ya gonna do the whole protest thing tomorrow, hopefully wont get bombed or arrested, that'd be bad. listening to usher burn i feel like im a teenage girl (and a criminal, im not actually listening to him burn, i'd save him if i was :0) so ya i think its time for all of us to make the and visits right about now. DO IT!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Day One

Heyo so I decided we're doing the blog thing guys. Yeah. Serious blog action gonna go down in this piece fo shizzle son. Right. So dude, Susie has a blog on blogster but its totally anonymous she says aka she changed all the names of the people she was hating on and refused to tell me its address. sketchy if i ever heard. everyone should read the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay its mad ill pimpin' minus the pimpin' cause pimps are bad evil people who dont respect women. i think i know a few pimps in that case. dude how did pimp become to mean a good thing? a desirable attribute among men-- "dude i'm pimpin'". oh yea? "hey officer! this guys a pimp take him away! he mistreats women!" ok. so i wasn't going anywhere with that in case you were wondering so i think im gonna sign off now.