Monday, September 20, 2004

longtime no blog

it's been a week since my last confession. whoa so my power surge just flipped off and everything went dead for like 2 secs. anyway, so yesterday was cool. had some bonding time with the sis and mum. took a tour of princeton which was kinda cool. another oxbridge wannabe (:-)) but they didn't use as much acid to make it look old like yale does so it wasn't quite up to snuff. so i also got some driving of the 1989 volvo in which was a blast from the past as always. ok so just got off the phone with emily and tom at our new house in london (!!). Meanwhile I started this post 88 minutes ago i'm not very good at focusing am I? So ya anyway after we went to an off-campus bday party for one of margot's classmates we went to one of the eating clubs which was quite the experience. At first I thought it was quite different from other stuff I've been to but then I kinda realized it wasn't much different than most frat parties probably and not that different than crush on friday nights except for the fireplace and fancy-looking lobby. monthly tube pass=not cheap. thats icky. i do get a 30% discount tho cuz ima student which is nice. free ipod will hopefully get here before i bounce on thursday but if not i'll have mommy ship it to me. !attention rubbishers! the following need to download skype: Lina, Luci, Bruce. So ya do that on the right quick. Note this is not a request or anything silly like that this is a direct order. whoa speaking of which bush pulling ahead in the polls bigtime? sounds like fun. ok so i am really dragging my feet here its almost 5 and i started this at 2.46. so i think i'm going to go and then come back tomorrow with something exciting to say. bob marley shot the sheriff. bob what'd the sheriff ever do to you?

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