Sunday, October 17, 2004
o chi wala
Absentee Ballot received, sent, and sorted.
I made a photocopy of it first so I can remember forever that I voted against the mainstream corporatism-dominated two-party US system (I've since had to stop referring to it as 'American' due to the onslaught by fellow South and Central American compatriots. UK passport got shot down, something about me not being a British citizen came into play, not guinness. Last night I saw a totally cracked out play at the National Theatre, 'Buried Child' and it was like 50% funny and 50% totally wtf.
so while i concur completely that coffee is quite the nonsense i'm surprised this is a new development in la vie de luci. being master of the universe i knew since 2 weeks conception that coffee was evil addictive growth-stunting stuff. and the whole dependency thing with the headaches is bad as well. its like alcoholism minus the alcohol. speaking of which i wrote my first beaver article on agent orange in the vietnam war!! very cool. writing articles is easy i dont know what susie keeps going on about taking up all her time and so on.
broadband is in the works ladies and gentlemen. soon skype will be a reality for me once more and we will take back this country. take it back for the working class! ok a little carried away.
saw the debates. stayed up til 4. i dont like either of them. bush needs to go back to 5th grade and kerry needs to change his name to Ralph Nader and get serious about having good policies. and chill with being so bourgie. Nader has like one suit. mad pimp. the dutch legal type that is.
OK so i think i've done the blog thing for right now. tonight will feature me and 3 books getting kinda freaky. might bust out the highlighter and a little disco. see what goes down. may take some pictures for the net. check back for the good stuff.
i miss and love you all!
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Sitting at the bar with my laptop looking like a nerd
OK so today is October 2 and I am being ghetto and writing this at home and then going to the wireless-enabled pub—‘the belle vue’ to post it on the net since I don’t have broadband yet and dial-up isn’t 1p/min like I thought its 4.5p/min (!!) So this week involved me working on this race project for the secretariat project in terms of undergrad admissions—good stuff. Took up all my daytime from half 9 in the morning to 5 everyday. Oh wait before that I had a good flight and stuff, slept most of the time. Looked up
So last night was the first crush and as always it seemed even more packed than the last time. Its safest to not change locales more than once every 30 mins or else you get so angry u just end up pushing everyone out of your way which doesn’t fly with the hundreds of peoples everywhere. Oh and the student union bars were refurbished this summer (at a cost of £850,000!) so no longer do they look dodgy they’re like proper wine-bar-esque with leather sofas and nice wood tables and glass walls looking out onto Houghton street and all that. Kinda weird considering they’re planning to destroy the whole building in a few years anyway cuz its old and rubbish… sounds like the british way of wasting money but oh well while I’m here I get to enjoy a swanky place (even though I definitely forsee it getting wrecked after a couple crushes).
So Nicolas in the tradition of being a pimp pulled two girls last night one was actually from
I miss you guys a lot but I think once I get broadband set up this year should be better than last in terms of keeping touch a la skype as long as some individuals (ahem bruce) get their shit together. I’m a little unresolved on the emotional love front but I guess that’s how it goes. Oh wait here comes the sun thru the clouds. Nice.